Sunday, May 30, 2010

Medicine for aches and pains

I see patients popping pills on their own and nobody thinks twice before popping a ?combiflam? Brufen! I must warn everyone here that all these drugs which are grouped under a common heading ? Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can damage our kidneys permanently.
Please be careful and do not take drugs on your own.
The safest bet is to take plain paracetamol for pain relief (Crocin or Metacin).
Some patients feel that allopathic drugs are dangerous and take fast relief powders dispensed by quacks.
I have got these powders routinely analyzed and they all have steroids in them! A popular ?vaidya baba? in south Bombay sells ?Sandhivat? tablets and there is a queue of 200 patients daily! On laboratory analysis they had pure steroids as the one and only ingredient!

knee caps in osteoarthritis

Knee CapsAlmost every single elderly person owns one of these popular caps. A support to an inflamed knee obviously helps BUT a long term use actually is detrimental to the knee. A long term use of any brace causes the knee muscle to loose their strength. A brace has to worn under supervision of a qualified orthopedic surgeon. I also see lot of patients buying expensive (3000 Rs) braces in a camp arranged by quacks. 400 to 500 patients are supplied with these braces which are again purchased in the hope that they will avoid a surgery. These quacks (none of them are even qualified orthotists) make these braces so rigid that the knee damage is accelerated! Then there are magnetic and other special belts, but remember that nothing can stop aging and all these are useless.
The Myth: Surgeon knows exactly how long patient should be off work, how long before they can drive a car etc.

The Fact: Depends largely on patient perception, motivation and personality
The Myth: Surgeon knows exactly how long patient should be off work, how long before they can drive a car etc.

The Fact: Depends largely on patient perception, motivation and personality

Friday, May 28, 2010

hi friends started this blog to share and discuss orthopaedic related issues.